
Poem By Otter Robot

The woman walks into a room. She arrives. She arrives. She has a garden inside of her head. She is…

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Poem By Robot Milk

My kidneys are growing stems and plants and roots, and yours Basquiat? For Easter, they desire fruit buns shaped like…

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A Poem By Anne Sexton’s lullaby for failed robots

All I gave you I want back. I died in the garden that night. I feel as if I am…

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Poem By Antjie Krog

Air. Heir can’t be cured – I’m bee farmer caught stealing. Hospitality.   Swallows flit in the air – Only…

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Poem By Paul Auster

I miss you. I don’t miss you. I miss you. I really don’t care if you care, I don’t miss…

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Poem By Dorothea Lasky

My mother never taught me things (mostly nothings). My mother never told me that she loved me. My mother never…

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Poem By Jenny Zhang

I’m alone. I’m alone again, a solitary figure thinking ever after of you, for you are the love of Ophelia’s…

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Poem By Patrick Cullinan

I’m lost, lost, I’m lost, I confess. In a minute I’ll be gone. In another minute I’ll belong to the…

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Poem By Gus Ferguson

Gulf, I am apprehending the riverbed stream of this river’s language. I am in mourning for what I have lost,…

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Gqeberha-Storytime: How To Say Goodbye In Mother Tongue

I am not young anymore. There are more years behind me than there are in front of me. The pink…

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