
Financial Matters The Concept Of Ajo System In The Nigerian Society

Ajo is a form of savings in which a group of people come together to contribute a fixed amount of…

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ONYEKA ONWENU: The Life and Times of Africa’s Golden Voice …As Nigerians Mourn Her Death

“Her extraordinary talent, creativity and contributions to unity and African values exemplified in her iconic song, ‘One Love Keep Us…

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Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Healthcare

Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Healthcare Not today or tomorrow; it is happening now! AI…

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Did Travel Affect Your Political Attitude?

Miami Book Fair Shocked Mine Travel broadens the mind goes an old saying and it truly did in my case.…

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It’s Official the UK is Now a Third World Country

Pictures of the dear leader are everywhere, the TV is shut down or has endless tributes, and all Radio Stations…

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Shanghai For Rock Nights & Harp Duels

TJ’s Family Band While working in China and after Pipz, my mentor, had gotten me back into playing my harps…

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From Tianjin to Qingdao Have Harps Will Travel

After Pipz, mentor, had press-ganged me into playing the harp and doing some backing singing at the Guitar cabin at…

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The sun is a laughing, talking, walking miracle today. If it shines, it shines only for me and Lavinia. What…

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Distance lends enchantment to the view

Go fishing somewhere else this is my territory. In her eyes (the paper tiger empress) I can see the origins…

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Ode to My Mother

There is a dwelling that I exist in. This far out between heaven and hell she is, my mother is…

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