
A Poem By Anne Sexton’s lullaby for failed robots

All I gave you I want back. I died in the garden that night.

I feel as if I am sinking again sibling zebra, but you don’t

hold out your hand to save me. I’m not coming up for air.

No one cares anymore. No one loves the reflection in the

violent mirror. It is not desire. The charity shop porcelain teacups I

inherited from you are lying broken on the floor. Everything

is in pieces. I’m trying so hard to love someone who is already loved. There

came a day when she, my doppelganger no longer walked in

shadows. She told herself that she can have security, but

everything felt like vertigo. She blazed a map for me. The

truth is that honesty is such a lonely word. There’s a real

animal in my body. No erasing it. I am an insect. The feeding

begins beneath your skin. Deep inside of you. Water, don’t forget

all about me, don’t forgive the disappointed housewife who

is still my mother, don’t let my sister’s heart moved by a

young man’s charm. I am the authentic father. I am a mother,

but I am not in love, I am not in the mood for love. I need

something else besides all this bitterness. I need a mother. Not

this lack of identity. Lack of soul. I wish I was the one who

found the exit out of this dysfunctional childhood house. Out

of the chaos into the sun. Out of the fire, into an automatic

vocation. Never went to school. Never went anywhere, except

the little red book of institutionalisation. Every mistake. All I

know of is the history of the choices I’ve made. My father

made. There’s an animal inside my mind. Exorcise it. Father

makes me bleed from the inside out. Called it menopause on

the hour every hour. His set of false teeth keeps the clock

going. It keeps me up. It wakes me up. I am beautiful. I am

good, the doppelganger tells herself. All I have is this theory of

flight. They want to put me away for good this time. I don’t

know why. Please help. Please forgive me. Keep me away

from the world. I don’t want anything to do with it. Don’t

want anything from it. I wish I was dead. The doppelganger

said so. Told me so. Feel high. Feel so high. Low. Low and

numb. Low and then dead inside. They want me to cave in.

They want to me to give in. They are lying in the unmade bed,

and why do I have to pay for my father’s sins, and everyone

who wounded my mother? They leave me to cry. They see

my hurt, my tears, my despair, and hate me for it even more.

I am unafraid. All I have is the pain. I hold the knife in my hand.

I am the finch. The birthday cake belongs to my past for good.

I am tired of it. The doppelganger is exhausted by every trial.

Yet, she reaches out, within, and something seems younger

about her. Her universe is amplified. There’s birdsong in the

air. I can’t quite get a hold of anything. She wants to stay. She

wants to be good. All I am is fragments. All I am is flux. A void

where my brain should be, heart should be. There’s no happy

ending here. My life is frozen. It wasn’t always like this, you

know. It happened because of all the baggage from my past.

The sun in my doppelganger’s world wants to be live, and be

celebrated. They call me banshee. I no longer win at anything.

Too many brown eyes. Too many walls. Too many buildings.

Not even mother love. Only sin-eater. My grown-up heart is an ark.

No one wants the doppelganger. Her reflection doesn’t tell her

the truth anymore. I’m standing in the back. Scream in my mouth.

I am walking on lotus flowers growing in a season of pink mud.

The doppelganger visits everywhere. To the ends of

the earth, to hell, and back again. She makes anonymous

donations to charities. This makes her feel wonderful. To

do good. She thinks she’s well-liked for it. The doppelganger

thinks she’s so perfect. I can see straight through her,

especially in those ghost shoes. The destination is heaven.

I can’t seem to think anymore. In which direction am I going?

What is this hungry spirituality? All I can feel, see is this

strange emptiness. The damage is done. The damage is done.

The monsters have come out. They have each destroyed

me in their own way. I live for the nightfall. It covers me

like a wedding veil. The night is bride, and nature is its groom.

Once I wanted to be wife, activist, writer, mother, wife,

mother. People don’t like people like me. I have been dead

so many times. Brought to life this Eve, this Eve. Adam’s rib.

They say its over. The psychosis is just beginning. No difference

between family and society. The stigma sits breathing in

the stale air in the dining room. Ignoring the wisdom of the

kitchen table. The dirty dishes in the sink. I can’t sit through

this film. It feels like Hitchcock’s work. The monsters are coming.

Coming through the backdoor smoking a joint. Alcohol

on their breath. They’ve been drinking red wine out of paper

cups. They’ve got it made. They’ve got their buzz on like

they’re so innocent. They’re like sheep. Bring me down like

there’s no tomorrow. The key is a nun. It is in the ignition.

I’m going for a long drive. Got the radio on. A country song

is playing about a wedding between a poor girl and a rich man.

An afternoon drive on this healthy Sunday full of church

and roast and religion. My stockings are white. I am wearing a

hat. You won’t see me again in this town. I’ve got a ticket.

I’m going places. I’m standing at the back. With the scream in

my mouth. I’m going to stop at the shop. Bag me some groceries.

Smoke me a cigarette. Climb a mountain hugging the hills

in my car. Going through the valley with the wind in my hair.

Not think about the renal unit. Not give it one iota of thought.

Think of Elizabeth Wurtzel’s long journey into night. Her

voyage into eternity. I should have gone to a cousin’s wedding,

but I didn’t. I should have gone to the funeral of his mother, but I didn’t.

I am rosebuds splitting the atom. Illness in my heart’s heart.

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