
It’s Official the UK is Now a Third World Country

Brian George

Pictures of the dear leader are everywhere, the TV is shut down or has endless tributes, and all Radio Stations are bleating on about the dead monarch. There have been ten days of mourning declared for the whole country. So, the Queen died yesterday, so what? I never knew her, never met her, nor did many others, but they still blindly go to the gates of her palaces and stand there gawping at an empty building. Some of them even cry real tears, and I find that weird.

I really do laugh and pity the poor souls who have no sense of independence of thought. Strange black humour enters my head, wondering how much old Prince Andrew will get in her will or if the twelve million settlement in his court case in the USA will get deducted. What if the now King Charles snuffs it, and how many tiers back said Andrew would be in-line for the throne? Now that would really be funny.

Even the football pundits had to wear black ties on the games that were played that night, and other sporting events have been cancelled. The church bells across the whole country are sounding a death knell at midday. Flags on all buildings were at half-mast.

The Unions have called off their strikes out of respect, and even the Re-join the EU protest march for this coming weekend has been postponed. I find those last two really strange, as they were anti-establishment events, but it just shows how endemic the monarchy is in the nation’s soul. They have brainwashed our society so much that even these organizations are running scared of any criticism they would get from the press.

The newspapers had nothing else in them but pictures of her past duties and print so much garbage, competing over who can brown-nose their way up the establishment’s ass.

I just compare the UK now to North Korea with all those giant pictures of the dear leader on the walls of office buildings everywhere and solemn music blaring out of loudspeakers, it all just felt a bit 1984 to me, and being of an independent mind, I’m not allowed to say that I’m not a monarchist and state my real feelings. I almost expect the Thought Police to come for me because my views are well-known, and I’ve already been cancelled by my old right-wing pals.

Most of my own family are staunch republicans and can’t see why we’re supposed to hero worship a whole family who live in grandeur at the people’s expense and have what is called a job by their followers. That ain’t no job, attending banquets, waving at the plebs from a carriage at official functions, and flying around in private jets, helicopters, boats, and even their own trains.

My dear old Mum used to always mumble under her breath when the press glorified this last Queen’s mother, cursing for how she would turn up at people’s houses that had been bombed in the east end of London during the blitz and then get back into a limousine to be whisked away to leave those homeless and destitute with nothing but prayers and good wishes.

At least we could get Netflix and find some comedy to lighten the atmosphere during the ten days of declared mourning. Unless the authorities have some sort of device which can identify those of us who are not reverent enough and refused to doff our caps and tug our forelocks when her body was sent down from Scotland to London. She laid in state in Edinburgh for two days, then put on a Royal Train to London, where every station platform the coffin passed through had a military salute lined up. Once in London, she was sent to Westminster cathedral for a final service and burial.

I begged “Get me out of here, someone, for that day will be ridiculous for overkill and hyperbole; maybe I’ll try to crowdfund a flight.”

That might have upset those of the gammon and flag shagger variety out there enough to deport me! Oh no, I just realized that my passport is in for renewal, and the civil service will all be off work that day, aaargh! Trapped again. One day I’ll get enough cash together to escape this crazy world. Perhaps, I could get hold of one of those dinghies the asylum seekers use to come here from France and go back the way they came. Does anybody wish to join me?


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