
Poem By Patrick Cullinan

I’m lost, lost, I’m lost, I confess. In a minute I’ll be gone. In another

minute I’ll belong to the past, escape the present. I’ll be stripped

bare. I’m a stranger to man, and I’m a stranger to woman, and all

I’ve ever wanted was to be in your arms, and be loved forever. But,

this relationship, or whatever it is, or was belongs to the past, and

I’ll count myself forever holy amongst the stars, and the passing of

time, and the illustration of dust, and the interpretation of prayer.

And all I ever wanted was you, dear boy, dear man, dear finite space,

and biological gap, and psychological warfare, and a wish bone to

lead me home, and universal sanctuary, and a university degree, and

a high school diploma, and now, and now I have none of these

trivia, none of these things that makes the woman, that marks the

career woman. And I have a mother, but she abandoned me at birth

because my father loved me more, and my sister despises me, and

my illness, my disease, my Christianity, my radical feminism, and

most of all me. I’m an extra, I’m a starlet-harlot, I’m a monkey who

does not want to behave, but I’ll only behave in your arms, except

that position is filled. It is nearly midnight, nearly turning-point when

I’m near-death, near-life, and in death I’ll be extraordinary and in

life I’ll be extra-ordinary. And if I ever get married, I promise to

submit, I promise to obey, I promise to love in sickness and in health.

I am in a tunnel fast approaching another bright light, another

nervous breakdown, and was I really so difficult, so different to love,

and you tell me in a thousand different ways of how much I’m impossible

I am to love, and the hallucinations, and the insomnia leave me bleary-

eyed, and I look you straight in the eye, I want to try and make

eye-contact with you, but you look away because you love another,

and I don’t binge-drink anymore, I’m no criminal mastermind,

fuck my intelligence, I’ve never slept with a married man, I’ve never

fallen for a woman, and even though I feel as if I’m a statistic, you

don’t, you don’t, you don’t love me anymore and I find it all so

difficult to be on my own, and I can’t bear the loneliness, I can’t

face you with another woman on your arm, and you say I look

like your daughter, and then I find it difficult to breathe, to look

away, because all I’ve ever wanted was you, and you tell your

secretary to tell me to fuck off and leave you alone. You’re work,

and I love your superstar personality, you were my sweet escape,

once my sweet embrace, and now because of the Sylvia Plath-

effect you want nothing to do with me, because of the mania and

the euphoric-high, because of the unstoppably catastrophic blue-

depression I guess I’m no good for anyone, but especially for you.

I’m a saint walking on water, I am Saul of Tarsus, I am Paul on

cocaine on the road to Damascus. I am the finite apostle glowing.

I’m swimming, my body like velvet, head above water rooting

for all daughters, and then drowning. Body-surfing, and then

head sinking beneath the vibrations of the waves, drowning again.

You have genie-daughters, while I have none. The lunar-phases

of endometriosis saw to my infertility. I have had orphan-abandonment

issues in the past. You have had abandonment issues in the past.

We’re both orphans. That’s the one thing that we have in common.

I can’t bear the rhetoric, the dogma, you can’t bear the church.

We should be lit in love, life-falling for each other but we’re not.

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