
Ramaphosa Golden Unicorn to South Africa

By Abigail George

The country has been on tenterhooks for a while, but it can be said that racial tensions have been building around the issues of inequality, the poor, the needy, the excluded, the marginalised, the haves (white, coloured, black and Indian liberals) and the have nots.

In Gauteng there has been dispute after dispute in political circles that is threatening to tear this nation apart. President Cyril Ramaphosa is keeping it together while holding back the years. This stalwart has showed his mettle as he has come under fire while navigating this hellish territory of insurrection, failed coup and the pandemic all at once.

President Cyril Ramaphosa is a man who is always speaking of lofty ideals.

Democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights has become the credo of this super alpha leader of substance. He has left his mark on the office of the president. With the incumbent Julius Malema standing, biding his time like a hungry lion waiting in the wings, waiting also for his share of the spoils. Today has the unrest between races in this rainbow nation country of ours died down as the citizens of South Africa regain their senses and push towards another tomorrow. Is the future still filled with hope and a little bit of the legacy that ex-president Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela left behind.

Yes, I say yes. While we survive, while we are still alive, we must still hope.

Is this all CODESA’s fault? Many young people would agree with that statement, especially the millennial generation. Although I am not sure if the kids of today even understand what the TRC Hearings were all about or the evil legacy of the apartheid mastermind Hendrik Verwoerd. Businesses need relief and technical support.

It is Africa’s leaders now who will look to South Africa now as the architect of the future of the continent. In time I believe that the infrastructure of corruption will ultimately be dismantled, sabotaged and ultimately destroyed. In all this President Ramaphosa seems to have been led by his sheer mettle and instinct. No doubt tears must have been cried in private away from public view. Each “chosen one” (I am talking about each president post-1994) has led to the development of the African nation.

Ex-president Thabo Mbeki was ensconced in diplomacy and international relations with his law degree from Sussex University, while ex-president Jacob Zuma is beloved by his people (the commoners and the working classes). Little is known about the incumbent CIC Julius Malema.

Commander In Chief (as if you didn’t know) who broke away from the ANC eight years ago to spearhead his own party and to become the campaigner for land rights for the indigenous people of South Africa. He nearly got it right to take over the country during the Economic Freedom Front’s first elections.

All you must do now Mr President is to protect millions of jobs.

Beware! Those who are found guilty of extortion or that threaten and engage in violence. You will feel the mighty arm of the law.

We must look now to the social partners of South Africa to act.

The will of the people have spoken.

I for one was proud of the father of this nation as he now stands on the world stage brokering peace deals at the negotiating table that might end the war in the Ukraine. Time will tell. In the meantime, we pray, we hope, and we wait.



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