
Death Cults of the West

The Nasty Parties & Their Nasty Leaders

Featured Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

 Byline by Byron George

The Nasty Parties & Their Nasty Leaders

What is it about the Western world at the moment?

In the UK, we have what is clearly an extremist and unpopular right-wing government that is clinging to power despite every opinion poll showing that the public wants a general election to get rid of them.

That government is still spouting platitudes about what they were elected to do. This Prime Minister is unelected, not even by his party. He was second best to Liz Truss in the Tory leadership election, but she crashed the economy and was ousted by the MPs of their party.

The Home Office Minister was sacked after stirring up a load of football hooligans to attack those peaceful demonstrators seeking a ceasefire in Gaza; instead, these dumbasses attacked the police for stopping them.

The Prime Minister was today defeated in the Supreme Court over his plans to deport genuine refugees and asylum seekers to Rwanda. The Supreme Court Judges decided that it would be illegal and unsafe to send those poor, desperate individuals to a dangerous country.

Instead of accepting the defeat graciously, the Prime Minister and most of his party had a tantrum. They spat their dummies out and are now talking about defying that law by creating nastier ways to get around the law or plain ignoring it altogether. I thought MPs created laws and expected the rest of us to follow them.

Now the government’s party is screaming and shouting and stamping their feet, claiming that the people want their nastiness despite the public having moved on and become more ‘woke,’ whatever that means.

Next, they appointed a minister to identify those of us who they consider ‘woke ’ and stop those dangerous views from spreading. This government has to hold a General Election in the next 12 months. It appears to be seeking confrontation to divide us all and bring in ever more authoritarian and extremist laws in the hope that we’ll all become fascists in what time they have left. Good luck there, then!

In the USA, the Republican Party is constantly fighting itself over who is more extreme and supporting the last President who still refuses to accept the outcome of the previous election. The party seems determined to hang its hats on that head as the frontrunner and the nominee in the next presidential polls, also due in one year.

Yet that nominee, Donald J. Trump, is an out-and-out fascist, crooked conman, and a liar who seems to see his only way of keeping out of prison is to stand for President and pardon himself. Yet Trump remains popular with about 20 percent of the American public, making up most of the Republican primary-voting base. But why?

Trump would almost certainly have ended up broke as he’d been sued thousands of times for nonpayment of his debts and is hated by New Yorkers as a grifter and scam artist with many failed businesses behind him.

In fact, by the time of his bankruptcies in the 1990s, he had squandered almost all the roughly half-billion dollars he inherited from his father and stole from his brother, nephews, and nieces before being rescued by mobbed-up Russian oligarchs looking to launder ill-gotten gains via real estate.

In his recent book, the former FBI head James Comey says that Trump compares to a typical Mafiosi, demanding absolute loyalty from the workforce and his party.

Photo by LSE Library on Unsplash

In the UK, the Tory party is the same, mindlessly following liars, cheats, and crooked charlatans from Boris Johnson and Liz Truss through to the current leader, Rishi Sunak, and his appointees. They are all self-serving and corrupt and only in power because of following the success of Johnson in the Brexit referendum, where they lied and cheated to get the result that is now a proven monumental failure.

Why does a section of the public believe in these death cults?

Their parties have generally run down their country’s economies, taken away or sold off to their friends what were good public services, claimed those were too Socialist, plundered the money, and given most of it to those already too rich instead of leveling up the poor and unfortunates in society.

People appear to blame foreigners and immigrants for coming in and running down those public services when, in fact, their masters have ripped them off for themselves. In the UK, the governing party milked the public purse during the COVID-19 pandemic and shared the spoils amongst their friends and sponsors.

Trump is the biggest threat, though, facing the West, for he is subverting his country’s constitution and openly now promoting fascism. If he were to regain power, the whole of Europe and the NATO alliance would be threatened. He would not care one iota because he is already an avowed admirer of other dictators like Xi in China and Kim Jong Un of North Korea, and he is almost certainly a Russian asset under the thumb of Putin.

While you still have a vote, wherever you are in the world, you must use it to get rid of these death cults. Don’t go soft on any authoritarian politician. Don’t play Mr. Nice Guy. Too much is at stake. Just vote against their parties and their cults.

Vote for freedom and democracy.

Photo by visuals on Unsplash
Boris Johnson
Right Wing

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