
Conservatism Sucks, OK?

It’s killing us all!

I’ve said it before “Conservatism Sucks, OK?” It is a busted flush ideology designed to keep you stuck in the dark ages, keep people poor, and follow outdated religions based on 2000 years ago.

Conservatism, by its very nature and name, is a backward ideology. Unfortunately, it’s like a warm cuddly blanket that the right, even those even mildly on the center-right, hang onto. “Why change anything? We were doing OK.” That seems to be their attitude. People cling to it.

They hark back to some mythical past when our country was excellent; in the UK, it is based on the old Empire. In the USA, it is with the MAGA movement of Trump, funded by the oil industry in the South.

We are living through the massive changes of the digital revolution. AI frightens people, and they are scared for their jobs. Their children’s future jobs, yet every change necessitated is fought against or politicized by desperate politicians attempting to stay in power.

A classic case in question is the climate change issue. It is now blindingly obvious that something has to be done to curtail the activities of the oil companies and invest in alternatives. The UK Conservative Party, always mindful of their sponsors in the offshore oil industry, has marched ahead today and announced the issue of 100 new licenses for drilling in the north sea.

Not only are they going backward, with absolutely no vision, but they are also accusing those that oppose it as being ‘woke and against energy self-provision.’ That is a smokescreen, as, on the other hand, they have banned the construction of onshore wind farms. When accused of failing the fight against global warming, they spout that we have the most significant offshore alternative in the expansion of wind farms. Surely then, the answer is to double the energy production from alternative sources and invest in the search for more.

The reaction from everyone involved in promoting the new industries positively and fighting the planet’s destruction is quoted here.

Oxfam UK says the decision is “wrongheaded”, and calls the government’s climate policy as “hypocritical” and “dangerously inconsistent”.

Extracting more fossil fuels from the North Sea sends a “wrecking ball” through the UK’s climate commitments, says Climate Change Policy Advisor Lyndsay Walsh, adding that people in low-income countries are suffering as a result of the actions of the wealthy.

Friends of the Earth said Rishi Sunak’s decision is “pouring more fuel on the flames” of the unprecedented wildfires and heatwaves across the globe.”

Staying in power, it seems, is more important than flooding the country with rising sea levels and forest fires throughout southern Europe.

Conservatism = No change

Conservatism = Stay as you are.

Conservatism = Backward.

Conservatism = Sucks, OK?

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